(603) 774-8184
Get a new medical marijuana certification: The New Hampshire DHHS requires patients to obtain written certifications from a licensed healthcare provider to confirm the necessity of continued medical marijuana use for their qualifying conditions.
Collect the necessary application documents: For your renewal application, you need a signed medical marijuana certification, proof of New Hampshire residency, a completed patient application form, and payment for the renewal fee (via check or money order made payable to “Treasurer, State of New Hampshire”).
Submit your application: Mail or deliver all required documents to:
NH Department of Health and Human Services
Therapeutic Cannabis Program
29 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Await approval: The DHHS will review your renewal application within 21 days. Upon approval, they will mail you a new registry ID.
Medical marijuana patients in New Hampshire must renew their registry IDs upon expiration, typically every year. However, under new rules that took effect in May 2023, physicians can now provide three-year certifications in addition to the standard one-year certifications.
Medical marijuana cardholders in New Hampshire are required to obtain written certifications from their physicians at least 2-3 months before the expiration of their current medical cannabis cards. This ensures that the renewal process is completed without any lapse in the validity of the card.
The cost to renew a medical marijuana card in New Hampshire is $50. This fee must be paid via check or money order made payable to “Treasurer, State of New Hampshire.”
Yes, medical marijuana cardholders in New Hampshire need to obtain written certifications from their physicians to renew their cards. Medical doctors, physician assistants, and advanced practice registered nurses are authorized to certify medical marijuana patients in the state. Additionally, Alternative Treatment Centers (ATCs) can recommend certifying physicians to patients who are unable to find one.
If your New Hampshire medical marijuana card expires, you will no longer be legally permitted to purchase or use medical cannabis. It is crucial to renew your card before its expiration to avoid any interruptions in your access to medical marijuana.